My approach to Chiropractic is very simple - "No Nonsense, Keep it Real". After over 30 years working as a Chiropractor I know where my strengths within the spectrum of treatment options are and have no hesitation in sending you elsewhere if I do not feel that I can help you as efficiently as someone else. I use a mixture of many different approaches that I hope will serve your needs. The choice of treatment is made by discussion between me and yourself.
At the same time I am acutely aware that health issues are complex and I may not succeed despite my best efforts. I believe that health and healing is firmly in the hands of the patient, with the practitioner acting as a catalyst for change.
QUALIFICATIONS: BSc (Hons) - Doctor of Chiropractic (UK) - Dip N.B.C.E (USA) - Diploma of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners USA - Diploma of Meditation and Mindfulness.
Michael is a full member of C.A. - Member of Chiropractic Australia
APHRA Registered
Registered Provider for WorkSafe
Registered Provider for TAC
Registered Provider for Veterans Affairs
Registered Provider for Medicare (EPC)