Michael Weisenberger

"I have been a Chiropractor for over 30 years. I was educated in the UK at AECC by some of the finest Chiropractic minds then available - I was very lucky to be in the right place at the right time when these geniuses of Chiropractic happened to be there whilst I was studying. I ended up teaching at AECC both before and after I graduated in 1986. In 1988 I moved to Australia in order to teach at what is now the RMIT School of Chiropractic before moving to Geelong where I have been practising Chiropractic ever since".
Michael Weisenberger
QUALIFICATIONS: BSc (Hons) - Doctor of Chiropractic (UK) - Dip N.B.C.E (USA) - Diploma of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners USA - Diploma of Meditation and Mindfulness
Michael is a full member of C.A. - Member of Chiropractic Australia
APHRA Registered
Registered Provider for WorkSafe
Registered Provider for TAC
Registered Provider for Veterans Affairs
Registered Provider for Medicare (EPC)